Friday, January 9

and times flies.

Two days.
Two days.

Two freaking days left in my second home.

Time has passed quicker than I feel it should have.

I feel somewhat cheated and robbed; but satisfied and content simultaneously.

Since New Years, we have been busy.
Trying to go places, see things, spend time with people and make the most of the time I have left.

We have been to Lake Tahoe for a night =]

We have been snowboarding.
I have hung out with the friends I've made.

I have spent time with Beck, Leez and Sarah.

I have done a hundred other things and loved them all.

Tomorrow and Saturday will be spent in the company of friends.
And finishing up last minute things before I head home.


Jenny January 11, 2009 at 10:47 PM  

You look amazing! Love the faces :-D xox