Friday, September 26


Driving into Auckland at 2am this morning was beautiful.

So peaceful. Driving down the motorway with lights lining each side, the rest of the highway stretching into the distance, the lights showing our journey's path.
Driving into Aucland at night shows you the beauty this city has which is missed in the rush of live.
I wish I could have taken a picture.

It is at this time you realise how small we are. When there are more stars in the sky than lights on the ground. When the only thing else moving is the trucks, their lights drawing close and disappearing behind us.
People stuck in a trucks cab without anything except their destination.

It would be lonely being a truck driver if you have to drive all night, never seeing another sole. Reminds me of Blue Like Jazz. People need people. You don't remember how to communicate if you go too long without it.

Sometimes we forget that when we're in the truck on the seemingly empty road, not sure of our destination, that Jesus is in the front seat next to us.
Driving is so peaceful when you're playing worship, when you're cuddled up with a pillow looking out the window at the stars.

I like night time. It's a time to think and a time decide and a time to discover.
A time to know that Jesus is there with you.


Thomas September 26, 2008 at 12:40 PM  

so what ya in auckland for? :)

Christina Jane September 26, 2008 at 3:00 PM  

beautifully put. that is exactly how I feel driving through Auckland at night time.

Jenny September 27, 2008 at 1:24 PM  

Perfect. Nighttime, I agree wholly. Amen in other words. xox