Saturday, November 22


Now that school is [almost!] officially over I am going to restart reading books that interest me rather than the textbooks that are incredibly boring and marginally informative.

I found Blue Like Jazz after seeing several notible Christian people recommend it. Where I first heard of it I can't remember but have known of it for some time. After I found it mentioned in the
To Write Love on Her Arms story, and then also as one of Brooke Fraser's favourite books I went in search of it.

So now, when I need new material I am going to return to Brooke Fraser's list and take note. I know some of these books or have heard of the authors before and know they're good. And plus it's Brooke Fraser so it'd have to be quality writing to make the favourites.
“Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures” – Kenneth Cain, Heidi Postlewait, Andrew Thomson
“Same Kind of Different As Me” – Ron Hall & Denver Moore
“The Ragamuffin Gospel” – Brennan Manning
“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” – Mark Haddon [READ]
“We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Out Families” – Philip Gourevitch
“Letters and Papers from Prison” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“The Great Divorce” – C.S. Lewis
“The Pursuit of God” – A.W. Tozer
"Blue Like Jazz" – Donald Miller [READ]

I want to get a hold of all of CS Lewis's work at some point. He is brilliant.
I miss reading solely for pleasure. Must make sure I do it more often.